Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy 4th of July!!

Hello there! I'm 3 months old & so Happy about it!

God Bless America!
(and this happy, healthy family)

Daily Shenanigans

AnnDee received an old ironing board as a gift.
She loves to iron her PJs!


AnnDee is a Wonderful Big Sister.
She tells us every day how much she LOVES Mary.

Mary Jo loves playing with Daddy!

Almost 3 months old :-)

Father's Day & Building our Deck

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memaw & Pepaw by the Lake's House

Tea Party that occurred every morning.

Great Grandma Sandy and Mary Jo.

Great Aunt Laura and Mary Jo.

Pepaw gives awesome tractor rides!

AnnDee looked over these cupcakes all morning before the graduation party.
I walked into the house to find her little fingers in the frosting! Who would have guessed!

Pepaw worked very hard to fly AnnDee's kite with no wind.....

Doing Auntie Lindsey's hair
 (while watching Pepaw work very hard to fly AnnDee's kite with no wind...)

Memaw & Pepaw with Mary Jo
(we have the same picture of them with AnnDee at the same age)

Memaw & AnnDee went outside one evening and there was a nice breeze.
AnnDee flew the kite for about an hour by herself.....sorry Pepaw.