Thursday, April 24, 2014

BIG Sister business

Annual Texas Blue Bonnet photos with the Girls!

Time to Have a Baby!

I was scheduled to be induced on 4/3/14 at 5am.
This is the last picture of me pregnant, as Mary Josephine
was born at 12:03pm weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz and measuring
20 inches long. The labor was very quick!

AnnDee has been waiting to meet Mary for
a looong time. She was very excited!

Fun Times in the end of March (pre Baby Mary)

AnnDee wanted to buy flowers before school one day, so Daddy picked her up after school and took her to the store. She is soo sweet!

PJ story time at the library! 

One of AnnDee's favorite things to do is play "Bows".