Thursday, August 25, 2011

Playin' Catch-up : -/

Hey everyone. Sorry there has been a lapse in pictures the last 2 weeks.
AnnDee has been battling Ear & Sinus infections. Yuck!
Here are a few pics of her from last week
& her adventures while she stayed home
from School all this week.
AnnDee has been:
-eating popcorn & watching movies
-feeding herself with a spoon
-wearing completely mismatched outfits
-playing with her hair in the tub

.................& last but certainly not least.............

-watching the 1st "real" rain storm of her life
(that says a lot about the drought we're in...kid is 11 months old!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poor Kitty

This has been going on for weeks now;
TJ has more and more grey hair everyday : /

Monday, August 8, 2011

........Learning & Exploring........

AnnDee absolutely loved all the different textures,colors, sounds and people
that were at the Museum today. We will be visiting again very soon!

Her laugh is adorable. Can't get enough of it!

Music could entertain this little one for hours : - !
She loves to shake that booty.....sorry Daddy :)

Houston Children's Museum. AMAZING!

To celebrate going back to school & starting DayCare,
we decided to head to the Houston Children's Museum today.
The above picture is the extravagant hallway into the Museum,
and as you continue on, it only gets more exciting!
I felt like we were living in a Dr. Seuss book.
We LoVed It!!

Hi Daddy!!

Baby Genius !

We played with other kids the whole time :-)
(Don't worry, AnnDee DiD win the race).

After mastering these padded stairs up & down,
AnnDee is now trying this at home. Yikes!